Who We Are
About Christian Inquiry

About the Author
Dr. Gaylan D. McLin, JD, ThD is a pharmacist, attorney, and Christian writer. This blog is his vehicle for writing about topics of interest, especially to Christians, and for sharing his views about those topics. He hopes that this blog will edify the readers and give glory to God.

Blog Guidelines
We understand that some readers may disagree with the author’s views expressed in a particular article. And we invite wholesome comments from the readers that are made within certain parameters. This is not intended to be a polemical site. However, comments, including disagreements, as well as compliments, are welcome if made courteously and respectfully. We will remove anything that does not comply with this requirement. Comments that are offensive in any way or that are from fake registrants will be removed at our discretion. What is unwholesome, discourteous, disrespectful, offensive, or disagreeable is solely within our discretion.