A Blog About Topics and Views of Interest to Christians
There is only one living and true God (Deut. 6:4; Is. 45:5-7; 1 Cor. 8:4), the God who revealed Himself…
No person who truly believes in the word of God as revealed in the sixty-six books of the Bible can…
One of the most commonly used attacks from unbelievers against Christians who take a stand against sin is to misstate…
When a sinner exercises God-given justifying faith, the sinner is engrafted into Christ by the work of the Holy Spirit,…
Justifying faith is a doctrine also referred to as saving faith or believing faith. When a sinner by the grace…
The word providence, which comes from the Latin word providentia meaning foresight, does not appear in the text of Holy…
October 31, 2019 is Reformation Day, the 502nd anniversary of what most scholars agree is the beginning of the Protestant…